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  Compiling: (Preparing the text file for linking).

    Compiling converts your text files into a highly organized hypertext
    object file format. Once in object format, all compiled files can be
    linked together to form one Hypertext Database file. Compiling is
    accomplished by invoking the Database Composer (composer.exe) and
    identifying each data file that makes up your database. Before each of
    the text files that make up your database can be linked into a single
    Hypertext Database file, they must first be compiled. For each text
    file that is compiled, a new object file will be created with the same
    name and the file extension EHO.

    The next step to the creation of a completed Hypertext Database is
    linking. To link, we must have a menu link control file. This file
    contains the instructions that the Database Composer's Menu Linker needs
    when linking all compiled files into an Expert Help Hypertext Database.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Creating Your Own Hypertext Database - An Overview. Organization of Data Files. !Short: Short Entries (A list of one line descriptions). Long Entries. (Detailed text under short entries). Related Topics (also known as !seealso: cross referencing). Creating the Menu Link Control File. Adding Another Menu. Linking (Combines all compiled files into the final Database). What We Have Covered So Far. !File: Pointing to Another File.
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